Social Media Terms of Image Usage - #ichosebeaumonts

Thank you for allowing Beaumont Tiles to use your Instagram and Facebook content.


By including #ichosebeaumonts in your post you consent to us reposting and sharing your content via other channels including but not limited to social media, electronic communications, website, banners, public relations, print material and sales and marketing materials. You are providing Beaumont Tiles with non-exclusive, royalty-free, unlimited rights to use this content.


By replying #YesBeaumontTiles you confirm you are over the age of 18 and there are no restrictions that prevent you from participating and agreeing to these terms. You warranty that you own all intellectual property rights in your content and Beaumont Tiles’ use of the content will not infringe upon the rights of any third party. You confirm Beaumont Tiles will not pay you for the use of your content.


If you are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18 and want to allow Beaumont Tiles to use social content containing the images of your child, you agree to the above terms.


If you change your mind about sharing your content with Beaumont Tiles, please contact us in writing at and tell us you no longer want us to use your content. Please include details of your social media handles, and screen shot of your shared image.



Click here for #ichosebeaumonts Competition Terms & Conditions